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Real Fashion Blogs vs Artificial Intelligence
In the beginning, there were fashion blogs, and they were good.
Then a big boom happened, and everyone jumped on Blogspot. Posts became sponsored, and everyone was sharing their lives online.
Just when things got good, influencers popped up, and bloggers stopped renewing their hosting, they jumped on social media or retired from the internet altogether. (The book “Extremely Online” tells this story so much better than me.)
Most recently, a new wave of young people discovered our old fashion blogs and Tumblrs, and with nostalgia in their eyes, they have reignited the blogosphere with their own websites and Substacks.
But if bloggers are the good guys in this story, there has to be a bad guy, and that’s AI, or artificial intelligence.
AI has already taken over many jobs and industries; is fashion blogging next? Let’s explore this topic together!
What Is AI And How Could It Ruin Fashion Blogs?
When you hear the term “AI,” you likely picture ChatGPT or images of humans with extra features.
AI stands for Artificial Intelligence and refers to any computer system that can perform tasks usually accomplished by humans.
This technology has been amazing in many fields, speeding up processes and helping with very complicated assignments.
Despite the good that it does, it also has many downsides, including huge environmental impacts, increasing our reliance on technology, and taking jobs away from humans, obvs.
As a decades-old fashion blogger, I have very mixed feelings about this emerging technology at our fingertips. (Note: AI, as we know it, was actually born in the 1950s, but it’s becoming a bigger buzzword because of the plethora of new products aimed at the everyday consumer.)
In the past, I’ve demonstrated in numerous blog posts the capabilities AI has to create outfits for me. Let’s just say I don’t think AI will be becoming my personal stylist anytime soon.
But now I’m posing the question of whether AI has the power to wipe out fashion bloggers altogether. We already see plenty of websites with nothing but AI-generated posts full of word soup. So, are fashion bloggers next, right after it’s about to enter its Renaissance?
What Can Fashion Bloggers Do Take Back The Internet?
But fear not, we’ve been through challenges before, and we can continue to pivot and come up with new solutions for blogging in the AI era.
While traditional SEO (search engine optimization) has become nearly obsolete, we still have some tools at our disposal to drive traffic to our pages and build a successful brand. One that comes to mind is SGE (search generative experience), which offers a more dynamic, personalized, and engaging user experience.
That means we can override those unreliable and uncredited answers you get from an AI search bot and provide you with a human point of view, complete with thoughtful responses and personal stories. Blogging is becoming more about problem-solving and not just ranking for keywords. It’s the best time ever to be a writer and connect with others!
Main Takeaways For Fashion Bloggers
While I believe fashion blogging is going to take a hit, I also think a new batch of writers is about to emerge with even more creative ideas.
Personalization is the name of the game, and fashionistas have plenty of that to go around!
We need to stay focused on the communities we’ve built and the real connections we’ve cultivated over the years.
Your readers visit your page for YOU, so keep showing up and being your authentic self!
The day that AI can style my outfits, edit my photos, write my blog posts, and engage with my audience is a pipe dream.
I will always be here, showing up as myself and eager to chat with all of you about all things thrifting, vintage, and personal style.
I’d love to hear your thoughts about all of this. Let’s a start a conversation in the comments, ok? 🙂