Thrifted, vintage & affordable outfit inspiration
The Ultimate ’00s Icon: A Lizzie McGuire Halloween Costume

The Ultimate ’00s Icon: A Lizzie McGuire Halloween Costume

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thrifted lizzie mcguire halloween costume 2000s fashion y2kLizzie McGuire Halloween Costume

Hey now, hey now, this Lizzie McGuire Halloween costume is what dreams are made of!

Maybe I’m an Outfit Repeater, but you’re an outfit remember.. and that’s just as pathetic!

After all these years in the blogging space, I’m finally dressing up as my blog’s namesake Lizzie McGuire!

If you’re thinking of dressing up as this Y2k icon, then keep reading for all the details.

How I Dressed As Lizzie McGuire

If you believe that I had a picture perfect plan. Then I’ve got you fooled! I only did the best I can when it came to dressing as Lizzie McGuire for Halloween!

Putting together all the pieces of this costume required many, many thrift stores and reaching out to friends for favors.

thrifted lizzie mcguire halloween costume 2000s fashion y2k

Ultimately, everything came together and I actually ended up with TWO outfits. Of course, I’m sharing them both because they feature these fabulous floral pants from my friend’s shop, Vintage Emporium.

And my entire blog is about re-wearing your closet so this costume couldn’t be more fitting!

What I Wore As Lizzie McGuire

Every piece of my outfit has a little backstory but I’ll try to keep it brief!

I started out by thrifting a bunch of blouses from the 2000s but was growing concerned that I didn’t have the pants yet and wasn’t sure what color they would be if I found them. Pants are a tough fit for me so I was literally trying on anything I could find and coming up with nothing. I was ready to buy the first pair that actually fit!

The joke was on me… I had a collection of red tops and then found these pants and they were BLUE!

So I scrapped all the tops and browsed thredUP for a suitable shirt and found two great options.

The shoes and sunglasses were very easy to score on Poshmark and even better since I had credit to spend!

All of the jewelry is from my own collection (both bracelets were gifts from friends some time ago!).

And if the wig looks familiar, it’s a Hannah Montana wig I bought in 2009 for $10 at Claire’s in a mall. It’s definitely seen better days but I made it work to the best of my ability!

Tips For Dressing Up As Lizzie McGuire For Halloween

What I love most about this costume compared to most of the others I’ve shared on here, is that I could see myself re-wearing each piece from this costume. It’s bold, colorful, and truly a reflection of my personal style!

If you’re searching for a costume that won’t get worn once and then stashed away, consider a Halloween costume like Lizzie McGuire or another character you love.

Clothing from the 2000s is having a big moment right now and you can find originals at thrift stores or dupes at places like Target or fast fashion places. Definitely have fun with it!


Please be sure to Pin this post to reference later, and tag me on Instagram so I can see your version of Lizzie McGuire!

thrifted lizzie mcguire halloween costume 2000s fashion y2k



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