Thrifted, vintage & affordable outfit inspiration
My Etsy Shop is Back & Weirder Than Ever

My Etsy Shop is Back & Weirder Than Ever

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My Return To Etsy

After shutting down my Etsy shop years ago, I’m reopening it to sell my handmade one-of-a-kind, upcycled accessories constructed from thrift store trinkets and broken vintage jewelry.

This time, I’ve lowered my expectations, given myself zero sales goals, and am just having fun creating, sharing, and connecting with fellow creative weirdos and kiddults!

Why Am I Back on Etsy Now?

I’ve been feeling a huge creative pull in my life for the past couple of years, and the timing worked out with some other work projects ending.

So, many months ago, I started putting plans in place, stocking up on random craft supplies, and began creating my signature charm necklaces, Barbie shoe earrings, and other fun accessories I’ve been dreaming up.

I still don’t particularly have an itch to become a reseller or do sales of any type, really, but I’m willing to give it another shot on Etsy to release some creative energy and maybe make some passive income while I continue managing my invisible illness.

What Am I Selling on Etsy?

My new Etsy page, Shop Made In The Past, offers one-of-a-kind upcycled accessories, digital downloads, original apparel designs, and a curated selection of rad vintage finds!

Jewelry is really my bread and butter, since I’ve been creating my own unique pieces since I was a teenager, but now I’m excited to extend my offerings into other artsy designs that everyone can enjoy.

As far as the selection of secondhand finds, so far I’m just selling items from my own collection. You’d be surprised by all the cool ’80s and ’90s items I’ve saved up over the years that I’m willing to let go now! If those sales go well, maybe I’ll start picking up items with the specific purpose to resell.

Old Finds, New Fun

Like I said, I am just taking things slow, having fun, and taking it all in as a big learning experience. I would love to hear your thoughts on the current products and what you’d like to see in the future.

I appreciate all forms of support for Shop Made In The Past. Follow it on Instagram, give it a like on Etsy, or Pin this post to reference to later! Thank you!!



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