Thrifted, vintage & affordable outfit inspiration
Style Q&A featuring Sara Is In Love With…

Style Q&A featuring Sara Is In Love With…

Let’s go behind the seams of a fashion blogger to find out what her style secrets are!

I’ve often wanted to pick the brain of my favorite fashion people to find out what their secrets are and now I’m doing just that with this new series! My first victim participant is the amazing Sara of Sara Is In Love With… I’ve admired her blog, style, and general good vibes for years so I’m stoked to finally chat with her about all things fashion related! Let’s dive right in…

How did you get into fashion/fashion blogging?

It happened quite spontaneous on a lazy Sunday five years ago: I thought I could start a blog about hats and fascinators and this was when Sara is in Love with… was born. Back then I didn’t know how much this decision would change my life. In the beginning, I didn’t want to show pictures of myself on my blog, although a lot of people told me they would love to see my looks. It took me a while and a few attempts on outfit posts until I started to lose my doubts and overcame the fact that I don’t like to see myself on pictures.

Nowadays the outfit posts are the heart of my blog. My boyfriend takes all my look pictures; I edit them, write the texts and take care of my Social Media accounts. Details are paramount to me, and therefore it very often takes several weeks until a look is ready.

When I look back to the time before Sara is in Love with… I think blogging helped me to bring my style to a new level: Sometimes the camera reveals what doesn’t work about a look like no mirror could, as well blogging helped me to get more confident and bolder in my outfit choice.

Where do you draw outfit inspiration from?

A few of the more obvious sources are of course the looks of inspiring bloggers, fashion magazines, Japanese street style blogs and fashion shows. But I find inspiration everywhere: Very often I find new colour combinations and themes in art, or I want to catch the mood of a certain movie in a look.

Of course, I take as well inspiration from iconic people such as Frida Kahlo, David Bowie, and Isabella Blow. I studied graphic design, and I think this is where my love for prints, colours, and clear shapes originates.

Since I read about the term of the «post-human silhouette» in a book about Avant Garde fashion, I am obsessed with it and try to find out how much change clothes can do to a body.

What is one thing you’d never give away in your closet and why?

Just one thing? I am like Scrooge McDuck when it comes to my closet and have a lot of
treasures I can’t imagine ever to give away.

Let’s go for the first thing I had in mind when I heard the question: My Charlotte Olympia piñata bag. It’s the most cheerful bag I’ve ever seen, and it was a gift from my beloved boyfriend. I rarely wear it because it’s so precious I am constantly afraid it could get dirty or damaged.

Who are three fashion bloggers inspiring you at the moment?

All bloggers who are quirky and different. I am so bored by all the model bloggers out there wearing basics and get a lot of likes with “just” looking beautiful. What catches my eye are bloggers with a truly individual style. I am in love with Fashion Hayley and Lazy Kat for years now and recently discovered A Fashion Nerd and Mermaid Gossip to add to my list of favourites.

I also have to mention the blogs An Artful Life and Zoe Schlacter, because both are on the borderline between fashion and art, just like myself. Sorry, I couldn’t restrict myself to three, but they are all gorgeous in their way.

What style advice would you give others?

Don’t take yourself too seriously and have fun with what you wear. Don’t be afraid of bold looks and colours, stay curious and invent yourself again and again. Fashion is a playful thing, so don’t get into the trap of filling your wardrobe with things that just measure up to the expectations of others.

[Tweet “Don’t take yourself too seriously and have fun with what you wear.”]

*All images belong to saraisinlovewith.comA big thank you to Sara for being a really good sport and letting us peak inside her colorful world. If you’re now as obsessed with Sara as I am, be sure to follow her on Instagram Facebook.

Is there a blogger you want to see featured here in the future? Let me know in the comments below, even if it’s a nomination for yourself. Why not brag a little? 😉



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