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14 Ads From The 1980s That Make No Sense

14 Ads From The 1980s That Make No Sense

Ads From 1980s Magazines

The only thing I love more than 1980s fashion is 1980s magazines! One of my hobbies includes collecting old magazines from the 1980s.

Rather than letting my old magazines sit around getting dusty, I like to scan them and add captions for my own enjoyment.

Ads from the 1980s have to be my favorite because almost all of them make me look at them and go “WTF?”

In some small way, this is my contribution to preserving history and making the internet smile. So have some smiles on me today, internet!

1980s Magazine Ad: Win Our House!

The ghosts cost extra.

1985 Good Housekeeping magazine ad

1980s Magazine Ad: GMC

If he pulls up in a van, get away fast!

1985 Good Housekeeping magazine ad

1980s Magazine Ad: Family Life

It’s hard keeping up with your family!

1985 Good Housekeeping magazine ad

1980s Magazine Ad: AT&T

AT&T can only help so much!

1985 Good Housekeeping magazine ad

1980s Magazine Ad: For Women

Women’s beauty standards are hard to follow.

1985 Good Housekeeping magazine ad

1980s Magazine Ad: The Condor

What’s with the sunglasses?!

1985 Good Housekeeping magazine ad

1980s Magazine Ad: Dakin

Creepiest Garfield stuffed animal ever!

1985 Good Housekeeping magazine ad

1980s Magazine Ad: Hershey Kisses

I think it’s chocolate!

1985 Good Housekeeping magazine ad

1980s Magazine Ad: For Kids

Kids make every ad more fun.

1985 Good Housekeeping magazine ad1985 Good Housekeeping magazine ad

All images from 1985 Good Housekeeping magazine.




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